Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Super Heros

Many of you are familiar with Miss Lori and Hooper from the morning shows on PBS. Well today Miss Lori was asking the kids today about some of the new things they were learning how to do. One kid said, "I can zip up my coat." Another said, "I can spell my name, R-A-M-O-N." And another said, "I can tie my shoe." Well then Miss Lori asked those of us watching, "What about you, what new thing have you learned to do?" Gavin immediately jumps in with his answer, "I can use my super hero powers to fly!!!" Gotta love him!


Lori said...

I didn't know we had a super hero in our family!! That is good to know so that when I need help I'll know exactly who to call ~ Galvin the Great!!!

Kris-10 said...

LOL! He is sooo funny!

Kris-10 said...

A. Lori - Who is Galvin? :o)
Today at the grocery store Gavin introduced us to one of Jamie's friends, "this is Bridgette and Bryson and Kristen, and I'm Super Gavin!"


He must keep you either laughing or crying 24/7. With all the funny things and ingenious (a.k.a - writing on the wall, dumping things out and destroying) things he does. What a blessing! I LOVE HIM!

Lori said...

Sorry . . . I'm usually pretty good at spelling . . . I guess I had a brain fart!

Rachel Stewart said...

Superhero for sure! How cute is he? Can't believe how fast they are all growing up.

Pedaling said...

of course he can!

Lori said...

Bug Queen of American!!?? I'm sure there is a compliment there somewhere - ha!

The Heaps said...

There is Aunt Lori! I have never seen someone less afraid of spiders. I still remember you picking up a black widow that one night! I'm pretty sure that we had killed it, but I think you just wanted to see it really up close. It creeped me out, but I will always remember that!