So Justin grabs Hayden, strips he and Gavin down and they all jump into the shower together where Justin proceeds to rinse and wash the boys for about 30 minutes. He then called poison control and they asked if there was any blistering. Nope just a little red. So Justin kept an eye on them for the rest of the night and put them to bed with their legs being a little red, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Well, Justin went in to get Hayden up this morning and comes out asking me if I'm ready to cry. He turns Hayden towards me and to my horror, my little boy's legs are blistered and red! I immediately start sobbing! It was like I was in a dream....I didn't think this could actually be my baby boy! Well, we rush him to the Emergency room where they take a culture sample and prescribe him some oral and topical antibiotics, clean his wounds and dress them. We have to take him back in the morning for them to check it and make sure that it doesn't get infected any further. We think that because of his eczema his legs were more suseptible to an outbreak like this. Especially since Gavin has a little redness on his legs, but nothing near what Hayden has. He seems ok...no tears really until they started applying cleanser and ointment! But he's a brave and tough little 10 month old and should be ok in a week or so. Now if I can just get over it.....
This picture doesn't really do it justice...it's horrific!