Monday, January 19, 2009

Mowing the yard with Grandpa

This last Saturday I took the kids over to my parents for some much needed time out doors. We don't have a very big backyard, but my parents live on an acre so when we go over...the kids have a blast running around the backyard, riding bikes and if it's on a Saturday....catching a ride on my dad's lawn mower.
Before Gavin got on the mower with Grandpa though, he followed him around on a tricycle "mowing" the grass that he missed!

He had a lot of fun with Grandpa and slept hard that night!!!


Anonymous said...
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Kris-10 said...

Hee hee, that is so funny! What a riot your little boy is! Love him!


WISH I WAS THERE! AHHH - KILLING ME SOFTLY WITH YOUR POST. I could just die I want to be there so bad. AHHHH!


Is that WINTER!!!!! I want ARIZONA!!!! I am starting to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAH WAH WAH WAH WAHAAHAHA WAAAAAAHHH

Lori said...

Hey, if Gavin wants to mow some more yards, now that Brent is gone I know Uncle Doug wishes he had someone to share the chore with. Come on over and mow away!