Whenever I am in the car with Kristen she likes to play the "Name That Tune" game. I know hardly any of the songs that are being played on the radio stations and therefore she always kicks my fanny. As she's flipping through stations and naming tunes by herself, she's proclaiming, "Are you serious?! I can't believe you have never heard that song!"I just shrug my shoulders and let her continue her game!
Why don't I know the songs? Because ever since I got married to Justin, I have found myslef listening to more and more talk radio. And, if it's not talk radio, it's a c.d. (usually Wicked). Not only that, in my opinion, there just isn't anything good on the radio anymore. I was able to prove my case the other day.
I was driving home from another fun swimming excursion at Rachel's parents house when I decided, just for the fun of it, to turn the radio to FM. The first song that comes on have the following lyrics as the chorus,
I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chapstick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love tonight I kissed a girl and I liked it I liked it
(If you are so inclined, although I don't know why you would be, the rest of the lyrics are just as horrible and can be viewed at
I was astonished and immediately called Kristen proclaiming that this song is a prime example of why I don't listen to the radio. I was appalled to hear such lyrics being spouted out on the radio that our hsubands, children and family are listening to. I vowed to myslef that day that I will stick to my good, clean, talk radio!!