This last Wednesday night we experienced a joyous event that all young parents will go through at some point in time - Our first emergency trip to the doctor who, as luck would have it, is also our brother. We were enjoying a quiet night at home, which at the Heap house, usually involves a peaceful atmosphere, stimluating conversation, light opera, and whatever inane degenerate reality show FOX has forced upon us. (Stupid writer's strike!) When suddenly, the peace of our home, was broken by a screaming Gavin bolting into our family room. This is not unusal at the Heap house. What
was unusual was the inch long cut on his hand fountaining blood onto our kitchen floor. Upon questioning our young son as to what had occured he calmly explained that a "shark had got him." (Shark attacks are also not a usual occurence at the Heap household.)
So, we put in a call to our family surgeon, who was having dinner with a friend at the time, and with paper towel for a bandage, we headed off to Greg's office.
"It takes a village" they say and in this situation I would have to agree. With Grandma Heap pinning his body down, Daddy holding his hand down, Dr. Stewart doing the sewing and Mommy assisting the good doctor...it sure felt like a village. After Greg had cleaned the wound, mind you the surgery hadn't yet begun, Gavin states in a whisper, "I don't like the doctor." to which we all laughed. But the laughing had just begun. As we got further and further into the stitching, Gavin said all sorts of things bringing on chuckles from all, but the one thing he kept repeating was, "We gotta get outta here." He said it to each one of us in turn, "Mommy, we gotta get outta here," "Daddy, we gotta get outta here," etc. in the hopes that one of us would hear his cries and we would, well, get him outta there.
Finally, when all was stitched and bandaged up, Gavin hopped down from that table, looked up at Grandma Heap and said, "We gotta get outta here...we better run." I guess he didn't want any further torture to occur that night.
On the way home, Gavin received an Oreo blizzard for good behavior, and we also picked up a steel mesh diving suit to protect against future shark attacks.