This all started with a "Spooky" banner my mother-in-law made me for Halloween. She had taken a class from a gal named Melissa I believe. She teaches at the Scrapbook Barn here in Mesa and she does these adorable holiday banners. Well, I wanted one for 4th of July. She happened to do a class for one.....last year. So I went online to Scrapbook Barn and scoured their posts for past classes and found a picture of hers and set about to duplicate it. I did some of the same things that she did, but I also put my own spin on it. She used really cute papers for hers, but I didn't feel like they were with the 4th theme....they were mostly just red white and blue papers with just about anything on them...I wanted mine to look more 4th of July-ish. So directly below are the pics of her banner (sorry the pic off their site wasn't spectacular) and the below hers is mine.

I love love love how it turned out. I also made one for my mother-in-law (ya know to return the favor) and got my mom and sisters on board and we all made one together for a girls craft night. My next project is to create a "CELEBRATE" banner to put up on my kids sisters want in on that one too. Should be fun.
**BTW- I just got the hutch that this banner is hanging from and haven't quite figured out what I want to put on the shelves yet....looks a little weird now. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them.**