Friday, September 25, 2009

Best Friends

My boys fight......a lot. They're constantly arguing over certain toys or who gets to turn the t.v. off when mommy asks. But even though they fight and argue a lot, they are pretty much inseparable and can have moments of love and kindness. When Hayden goes down for a nap, Gavin gets sad and asks when he is going to get up so they can play. If Gavin goes into the pantry for a snack, he always brings Hayden one too. They're good brothers to each other and I am grateful for that.

The other night, after dinner and baths, Gavin and Hayden made themselves a bed in the family room and laid down to watch a movie. Justin and I were sitting on the couch just talking when all of the sudden we hear Gavin say, " are my very best friend." Tears welled in my eyes and I said a little prayer of gratitude to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with these sweet boys and to plea that they always remain good close friends. I had to snap a picture....just to document this sweet moment between them.

They look comfy don't they?


Lori said...

Nothing is better than knowing that your children love their siblings. I know that Melissa & Brent are best friends and you have a special relationship with your siblings . . . . I think it is wonderful!!! They are pretty cute in that picture.


That is so cute! I would probaly cry too! They do look comfy! I love doing that! That is wonderful that they get along like that! Unlike my siblings! Not me though! I am perfect!

Kris-10 said...

Aren't siblings the best!!! :o) I sure do love mine. And my sisters are my very best friends.