My boys fight......a lot. They're constantly arguing over certain toys or who gets to turn the t.v. off when mommy asks. But even though they fight and argue a lot, they are pretty much inseparable and can have moments of love and kindness. When Hayden goes down for a nap, Gavin gets sad and asks when he is going to get up so they can play. If Gavin goes into the pantry for a snack, he always brings Hayden one too. They're good brothers to each other and I am grateful for that.
The other night, after dinner and baths, Gavin and Hayden made themselves a bed in the family room and laid down to watch a movie. Justin and I were sitting on the couch just talking when all of the sudden we hear Gavin say, " are my very best friend." Tears welled in my eyes and I said a little prayer of gratitude to my Father in Heaven for blessing me with these sweet boys and to plea that they always remain good close friends. I had to snap a picture....just to document this sweet moment between them.

They look comfy don't they?