My fuse is reeeeaaaallllyy short today!

And I 'm trying really hard not to blow up. The kids are being particularly whiny and more dependent than usual as if they can't do anything for themselves. They are making messes left and right and if I hear "mom" one more time, I might just lose it.

I swear there is some hole in the universe that is sucking up all of my stuff because I can't find the things I'm looking for which means my house is in major need of some Spring Cleaning. But do I have time for that? Of course not, because I have 2 kids and a job and laundry coming out my ears and there are never enough hours in the day.

Yes my friends, my fuse is short...and I feel horrible for it. I yell more at my kids, I don't get anything done because my brain feels jumbled, and I'm just praying for a new day so I can start over. So until tomorrow, beware the fuse!!!